Discover How to 2X, 5X, or even 10X Your Campaign Profits with Advanced Training, Cutting Edge Strategies & a Roster Full of Platinum Winners At the Platinum Coaches Summit!


Discover How to Boost Your Profits with LESS Work, Close Out 2024 with a BANG & Join Our Elite Circle of Platinum Winners At the Platinum Coaches Summit!


Commission Hero, Project Platinum & Hero AI Students…
You NEED To Be At This Free Two Day Virtual Event - Don’t Miss Out on The Platinum Coaches Summit!


“I’ve Helped Over 160 Students Win Their ClickBank Platinum Award for $250K or More in Sales. I’ve Personally Won ClickBank Diamond 3 Years in a Row for Over $25 MILLION in Sales – I’m Revealing It All…”

- Robby Blanchard

Save The Dates: The Platinum Coaches Summit
August 10th & 11th, 2024

Exclusive to Current Students & 100% FREE!

Here’s What Past and Current Students Are Saying About
 Our Platinum Coaches

Robby and his Coaches’ results are not typical. Background, education, and effort may affect your experience. The information shared at this Summit is not a guarantee of success. It’s an example of how these strategies could work for you. Results may vary.

Join Our Expert Summit Alumni!

Location: Zoom + the Comfort of Your OwnHome

Event Starts In...

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

Criteria Needed To Attend
This Event For FREE*...

  • Students ONLY (This is Robby’s Special Gift to You)
  • Must Be Ready to Take Action - Only Way to Get Results!
  • Must Attend Event LIVE - No Replay Option…

Why I’m Doing Such a Huge Virtual Summit, Why It’s INVITE-ONLY & Why It’s Completely FREE…

When I first came up with the idea for The Platinum Coaches Summit, I sat down with my team and did the math. The numbers we’d seen over the last 5 years completely STUNNED me…
  • Our Students Totaled over $160 MILLION in Sales Together…
  • ​I’ve Personally Generated Over $5 Million a Year on ClickBank 4 Years in a Row…
  • Over 160 Students Have Won ClickBank Platinum for $250K+ in Sales
  • ​We’ve Produced MORE Platinum Winners Than Any Other Program…
  • ​Many of Our Coaches Have Become Repeat Platinum Winners!

So Why Am I Hosting The Platinum Coaches Summit?

I’ve heard from so many Private Coaching students that their results have been life-changing. I’ve also heard that many of my students are still “on the fence” about Private Coaching.

So the path forward is clear…

Instead of just telling you about Private Coaching, why not let you experience it for yourself? 

Better yet, why not let you learn from ALL our Private Coaches…for 2 whole days…for FREE?

In 2024, it hit me like a ton of bricks…

Our Coaches have had such incredible success – and their students have had such incredible success – that there’s really nothing to lose by sharing EVERYTHING! 

So I selfishly created The Platinum Coaches Summit for 3 reasons…
  • To Share The Spotlight With My GENIUS Coaching Team…
  • To Learn The ROADBLOCKS & Challenges My Students Face So I Can FIX Them… 
  • And to Create Buzz About the Private Coaching Program…Which Just Added MORE Space to Take On New Students…
Even if my reasons are selfish, the great news is that ANY student who attends can truly benefit from this event! It’s 100% a win-win!

Why is it INVITE-ONLY?

What makes Commission Hero, Inner Circle, Project Platinum, and Hero AI so powerful is that everyone is running the SAME business model.

Most other events/masterminds/etc. are full of people running totally different models…which makes it really hard to trade advice and tips. 

What works for them might NOT work for you, and vice versa.

Plus, this is my gift to you for being such a loyal student! I wouldn’t want to give this game-changing info to just anyone…so this event will NOT be open to the public, ever.

Why Is This Platinum Coaches Summit FREE?

Simple. I want to help you have even more success. I know the best way to do that is through Private Coaching. So I want you to get to know the coaches and trust them.

It’s all about VALUE FIRST!

I’m not hiding anything. I want to create a risk-free environment to help you meet your goals. I want to create so much value for everyone that signing up for Private Coaching just becomes natural.

That’s it. That’s my goal.
Disclaimer: Student results have not been independently verified. Any claims that make regarding the impact of this summit or Private Coaching can not be substantiated.

SESSIONS AT The Platinum Coaches Summit

Coach Chad:

"How To Get the Most out of Spy Hero"

Spy Hero is where you go to blindly copy other people’s copy, creatives, and landers…right?

Sure. If you’re okay feeding on table scraps while those other affiliates go soaring past you.

But when you’re ready to squeeze the MOST possible profits out of Spy Hero, you need to go deeper.

It’s not about “swiping” or “copying” what you see there. Especially since modern social media algorithms are way better at finding and PUNISHING duplicate content.

Instead, Coach Chad will show you how to remix, combine, and even improve upon winning campaigns in Spy Hero.

This way, you’ll actually stay AHEAD of the curve instead of falling behind.

Coach Nick:

"A Day in the Life of a Super Affiliate"

Imagine looking “over the shoulder” of a Super Affiliate who has generated over 7 figures and multiple ClickBank Platinum Awards…for a full day.

This is exactly what Coach Nick has in store for you!

Only it won’t take a full 24 hours, because he’s condensed and streamlined the whole thing into a single session.

There’s no better way to join the ClickBank Platinum Elites than to walk a mile in their shoes.

So this is exactly what Coach Nick will help you do.

Tune in to discover…
  • How Coach Nick stays productive & organized no matter what life throws at him.
  • How to run effective tests on ANY budget (no matter how small)
  • ​When it’s time to “pump the brakes” and when it’s time to “FLOOR IT!”
  • ​Exactly how to find your WINNERS so you can duplicate and scale them!

Coach Greg:

"Understanding KPIs"

“Know your numbers” is perhaps the MOST important piece of advice in business.

And Coach Greg is living proof.

He went from getting fired after 12 years of loyal service to his old company…

…to tapping into Robby’s system and hitting $1 MILLION in revenue in just his second year!


By mastering the numbers!

So when you’re ready to discover…
  • Which KPIs are “life and death” for your campaigns
  • Which KPIs you can safely ignore
  • How to use your KPIs to optimize campaigns at every step
  • ​The one true KPI that rules over all the others
  • ​How to uncover “hidden profits” in every campaign
…then make sure you’re on LIVE for Greg’s training!

Coach Daz:


How does a guy like Coach Daz pull in $20-28K a day while relaxing on his honeymoon and barely touching his laptop?


He’s NOT trying to do everything himself!

Instead, Coach Daz has mastered the art of outsourcing to maintain and even INCREASE his profits while buying back his time.

And remember…Daz has been successfully running this system for over 5 years now.

Which means he figured this all out BEFORE the AI revolution.

Now with AI, he’s able to use these same strategies to create even MORE profits with an almost embarrassing amount of work.

So tune into his session to see how YOU can install these same systems in your own business!

Coach Mariath:

"How to Scale a Campaign"

Short version?

You take a winning campaign and multiply it.

Of course, it was that easy, everyone advertising on Facebook would be doing it…

Which is why it’s EXTRA impressive that Coach Mariath has this down to a science.

In his training, you’ll discover how she…

  • Sets up multiple profiles without setting off any alarm bells at Facebook (Hint hint: AI is a HUGE help here)
  • Saves HOURS of time with a well organized system you can pretty much “copy paste” into your business
  • Scales her campaigns like CRAZY so she can make MORE money for the SAME amount of work!

Coach Kenny:

"Funding Options for Solopreneurs"

Like Robby’s mentor always told him, “When you don’t have resources, you get resourceful.”

And there’s no better proof of that than Coach Kenny.

Back when he first got started, he had a full time job that paid pennies and only $5k of credit to his name.

So what did he do?

He got resourceful.

For Kenny, it meant surviving off McDonald’s hamburgers and pouring EVERY extra penny back into his campaigns.

Since then, he’s discovered so many other ways to “get resourceful” when the budget’s tight.

And even though now he’s making 7 figures with this system – it still gives him peace of mind to know he can ALWAYS build it back up if he needs to.

So tune into Kenny’s session to see all the different ways YOU can get resourceful too!

Coach Brian:

"Your First Conversion Campaign"

Whether you’ve never run a successful conversion campaign or you’ve already got plenty under your belt…

There is ALWAYS more money to be made by mastering the fundamentals.

Which is exactly why Coach Brian decided to go deep into running your first conversion campaign.

If you’re still new to this, great! Coach Brian’s comprehensive guide and step-by-step checklist will get you up and running in no time.

And if you’re already a seasoned pro, this is your chance to practice the “white belt mentality” that allows champions to STAY champions.

So tune in, grab Brian’s checklist, and run your next conversion campaign like a well-oiled machine! 

Coach Stephanie:

"Using Hero AI for Creatives and Copy"

The greatest opportunity and the greatest danger of AI tools for text and images is that you can create almost anything.

So the question is…how do you filter “anything” down to what WORKS?

This is exactly what Coach Stephanie is going to cover in her session on Hero AI.

Because Hero AI is designed to give you all the high converting copy and creatives you could ever ask for.

You just have to learn how to ask.

And remember that Hero AI is designed to do 99% of the work…not 100%.

That last 1% is still on you – and it could mean the difference between campaigns that CRUSH and campaigns that flop.

So tune into Coach Stephanie’s session to see how she gets EXACTLY what she wants out of Hero AI every single time.

Coach Jen:

"Creating Profiles"

When it comes to running campaigns on Facebook, there’s one simple truth you always want to remember:

More profiles = more peace of mind

Because as long as you have backup profiles ready to go, Facebook can’t stop you!

The challenge, of course, is that it can be time consuming to create and warm up those profiles. 

Not to mention it can be tough keeping them all organized and ready to go.

Lucky for you, Coach Jen has become a MACHINE at creating and deploying new profiles!

And in her session, she’ll show you exactly how she does it…so you can create the same peace of mind in your business too.

Meet The Elite Affiliates

Who Are Attending 
The Platinum Coaches Summit

And More Coming…

Commission Hero, Project Platinum & Hero AI On Steroids - Walk Away With Winning Campaigns!

Just take a look at all the high level students and Coaches who are already planning to attend this Summit.

Is it even possible to spend a full 2 days with these folks and NOT walk away with at least one winning campaign?

Maybe…but only if you fall asleep at your keyboard! And there’s practically ZERO risk of that since this Summit will be so jam packed with actionable advice you’ll be too excited to sit still!

Just make sure you take notes on everything you learn…since there will NOT be a replay and your only option to get this info later is to sign up for Private Coaching.

Don’t Let This Election Hold You Back – NOW is the Best Time to SCALE!

This is an exclusive event for Commission Hero, Project Platinum, and Hero AI students ONLY!

And we only have room for about 500 people on the LIVE virtual room…

So make sure you fit these criteria:
  • Are a current Commission Hero/Project Platinum/Hero AI student
  • Are currently running campaigns or ready to run them soon
  • ​Are able to attend LIVE
We’re the entire Coaching team together into one event for you.
No replays, no recordings – you must show up LIVE.
So assuming you meet these criteria, click below to submit your application. Someone will be in touch with you within the next 24 hours to confirm.

Frequently Asked Questions

What time is the event?
The event will be held from 11 AM EST (New York) on August 10th & 11th, 2024.
Where is the event?
The event will be held virtually. You’ll get the invite link via email once we confirm your seat.
Is there a cost to attend?
Nope! This event is 100% free to attend.
Can I have a guest with me?
To maintain our exclusivity, please make sure the ONLY guests you bring on the call with you are active business or fellow students inside Commission Hero, Project Platinum, or Hero AI.
Do I need to be a Private Coaching student to attend?
No, although you’re still welcome to attend if you are in Private Coaching. This is an exclusive opportunity for ALL Commission Hero, Project Platinum, and Hero AI students to experience the power of Private Coaching for two whole days!
Will there be a recording or replay?
At this time, we do not plan to release a recording or replay. The point of this Summit is to give you a taste of LIVE coaching – so show up ready to pay attention and take action!

Join Us and Discover How YOU Can Crush it in 2024 And Beyond!

And as I type this…there are still 4 months left in 2024.

So whether it’s been a good year for you or it’s been a struggle…I’m here to tell you there’s still MORE you can do. There’s still more money to be made and more freedom to enjoy.

It simply comes down to YOU.

Are you going to sit alone and hope and pray that things will work out? 

Or will you join the BEST affiliate marketers in the game for 2 full days of transformational coaching?

Personally…I recommend the second option.

You have literally nothing to lose (it’s free) and EVERYTHING to gain.

So click below to request your seat and I’ll see you soon…
- Robby
The beauty of our business model is that you’re only ever one campaign away from transforming your life.

And as I type this…there are still 4 months left in 2024.

So whether it’s been a good year for you or it’s been a struggle…I’m here to tell you there’s still MORE you can do. There’s still more money to be made and more freedom to enjoy.

It simply comes down to YOU.

Are you going to sit alone and hope and pray that things will work out? 

Or will you join the BEST affiliate marketers in the game for 2 full days of transformational coaching?

Personally…I recommend the second option.

You have literally nothing to lose (it’s free) and EVERYTHING to gain.

So click below to request your seat and I’ll see you soon…

- Robby